Come and See

In a sermon a couple of weeks ago, I said that just the first line of this song was more life changing than two, hour-long, “Vague God”, “all about you and your faith”, “anything but Jesus” sermons. That’s because the first phrase, and this whole song, is all about gazing on the work Jesus, the Lord of the Universe, Yahweh, the Great I AM, finished for us on the Cross. One real look at the cross, and we will be changed...if we truly looked. 

“Come and See, look on this mystery, the Lord of Universe, nailed to a tree.”

Bam. The shortest worship service ever. Everyone can now go home, and ruminate on that one line for the rest of the week, and have our hearts wrecked by that inexplicable grace...and maybe even see some baby steps of real change in our hearts and actions. Or not. It takes time. But, be encouraged, change will happen when we fix our hearts on Jesus. It is promised. 

“Come and See”.

I was talking to a musician friend today about this has to be one of the all time great hymns that never really became as famous as it should have been.


The Lord is on My Side


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