According to Jonah 2:9, salvation belongs to our God from start to finish! It is a wonderful and glorious thing to know that salvation does not depend on us, but is a free gift we need to receive.


Jonah was vulnerable with the pagan sailors, shared his story, and the sailors were saved, not just physically, but spiritually, as a result. When we are honest about our own shortcomings with those who are far from God we find open doors to sharing about our hope in Jesus!


Even today, you can still walk along the Via Dolorosa (The Way of the Cross) in the Holy Land. This is a musical depiction of Jesus carrying the cross on that Via Dolorosa, from Pilate's Hall to Golgotha.


Parenting isn’t easy but it is so relatable to all of life. When we parent from a perspective of humility and remember the incredible grace that we have been given and we remember the way God has overlooked so many of our faults….we will really begin to parent from a Christ-centered perspective.


Why do we stand when Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus is performed? Because when the king stands NO ONE sits.


This was played during a sermon series I did at Christmas called "The Songs of Christmas". Each week, we would play a great Christmas hymn and tie it into the Scriptural background of the song. On this video, I am playing with my favorite cousin Natalie.


One Sunday in 2020, I shared that I had taken a long walk with a long-time mentor of mine and during that "walk to remember" I had shared with him the good/bad/ugly of my life. He shared with me the difference between approaching life with clenched hands versus open this video I go a bit deeper as I believe awareness of this simple concept can change the way we respond to life. If you want to follow along in a Bible app you can go to Galatians 5 and Romans 7.


The unconditional love of Jesus is unlike any other love we will experience here on Earth. It is that love that compels us to change!


When we truly "get" grace and when we truly understand what it means to live "In Christ Alone" our response won’t be to abuse grace or “do whatever we want to do” but will be similar to Isaiah’s response...utter humility followed by "Here I am Send Me".


A video I shot for our congregation during the pandemic and shut down, after we experienced a fire that closed our sanctuary right when we were set to re-open.


Many times it seems challenging to preach at Christmas since “everyone has heard the Christmas story”. I think that Christmas is an excellent time to explore all kinds of Christmas themes because we find so many different characters in the Christmas narratives that are so relatable. In this clip, I unpacked the story of the “left hand turns” that Zechariah experienced and how relatable that is to what so many of us face at Christmas.


I love bringing together worship and preaching...Sunday should be a time where people are both challenged and encouraged and lifted out of their seats! We have a great God...all we have to do is scratch the surface on some of the names of God and our response will be worship! It is the pastor's job to pull those themes out of Scripture!


I walked with a mentor who shared with me something very simple yet profound…he said you can approach life with clenched hands (stress, worry, control) or with open hands (surrender and trust).


“You are My Hiding Place”, from Psalm 32, musically portrays our fear that gives way to trust when we say, “I will trust in you, let the weak say I am strong, in the strength of the Lord, I will trust in you.” A short excerpt.


In order to overcome sin, we must identify the idol behind the idol. We must identify the deep, internal problem that causes the destructive outward behavior. The “idol behind the idol”.


I am also trained as a concert pianist…here is a very old video, from 1992, of me playing as soloist with a symphony orchestra.


So many times God delivers us from the fire, just he did in Daniel 3 with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, but we still smell like smoke. We need to find the gift in the fires we have been through and know that there are gifts to come in the future!

So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire…they saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them. ~Daniel 3: 26b-27